There are quite a lot of powerful fat burning foods around and most of them you most likely are already eating as part of your meals everyday, if your not then you should be!
I am not going to list all the fat burning foods in this article but what i will do is list 10 powerful fat burning foods for you to take a look at, which the majority of them should already be in your kitchen.
Here they are in no particular order.
1) Apples
Well the doctors and our grandparents have been trying for years to tell us how healthy apples are for you plus they have a fat burning effect on your body as well,double whammy!
2) Broccoli
Broccoli is one of the few foods in the vegetable category that i really love and a good source of minerals as well.
3) Brussel Sprouts
There are quite a few people around that love brussel sprouts and i am not one of them, but you can not argue that they are good for you and, hey if they shed a few pounds in the process as well then it can only be good .
4) Cabbage
Not a surprise this one really, obviously that is where the cabbage diet idea came from although i would not call that a diet myself, what i would call it is a bit extreme.
5) Carrots
Good old carrots! Apart from improving your night vision they also help to keep you lean and mean. nice one!
6) cauliflower
Another one that i am not very keen on, but better start adding it to the plate and start melting that unsightly fat away.
7) celery
People usually dip celery into some sort of salad dip or even sprinkle salt all over it before eating it, but to get the fat burning effect then i think you need to eat it without all the junk covering it.
8) Oranges
I love oranges i could eat them all day long!
9) Onions
They might make your breath smell but its worth it, at the end of the day every little helps.
10) garlic
Now were talking! keep the vampires away and lose weight while your doing it, you can not ask for anything more!
Obviously its the combination of the above foods that will help in your fight to burn that fat off your body, please do not go to the extreme and start living off just one of the items on the list because in the long run you most likely will not be able to keep it up and even if you do its not going to do your body or health any good either.
What you need is a sensible combination of the fat burning foods into your everyday eating habit and that combined with a good weekly exercise program will start to melt the fat of a lot quicker than you think and then you really will call them powerful fat burning foods as well!
For the best weight loss exercise programes to aid in your quest to lose weight go here now! and it won't be long before you look in the mirror and see a totally new you!
Weight Loss Program
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