I recently received the following email:
Q. Five weeks ago, I began an exercise program and so far I have not lost any weight or gained in muscle tone, which is my goal. Regardless, I intend to keep it up, knowing that the results I want will occur if I give it time.
A. Yes, your results will occur if given enough time. Just stay the course. Be consistent and you'll get there. Luckily she was not upset about the lack of progress on her bathroom scale but most people aren't so willing to take that time.
Typical Dieter Losing Weight with Exercise: Ms. Too Tight Pants Decides to Drop a Dress Size
1. She starts out feeling excited, knowing she'll lose the weight she wants in the long run, if she can stay with it. (She's read the books. She knows this eating better and exercising more works).
2. She starts feeling better right away, although the scale shows no difference. (Results take awhile to build, and she knows this but it gets harder and harder to wait.)
3. Her clothes begin to fit looser. People start to notice, asking "Hey you're looking good. What are you doing?" (Things are starting to happen, but not very quickly).
4. She does "all the right things," such as eating well and getting good rest. She's tracking what she's eating and keeping a journal. It's all going great. (Consistency is the secret and a very good discipline).
5. Since she's been "so good" she decides to step on the scale. She's even got rewards in mind depending on how much she's lost. (Where's the evidence? She's getting impatient and wants to know this is working).
6. Alas! The scale shows a three pound weight gain and she throws her hands up in despair saying, "This doesn't work! I quit!" (The scale doesn't show us what is going on inside, it only weighs the total package. Maybe she just finished drinking 16 ounces of water, that's a pound right there).
7. She dismisses the real evidence (how she feel better and looks better; how she's been getting compliments; how her clothes fit better and some are getting too lose to wear) and she decides instead to rely of the wisdom of the bathroom scale. That piece of metal sitting on the bathroom floor, known for wildly inaccurate results, but nevertheless trusted as the ultimate authority.
She may have even started to gain some valuable active muscle tissue that supports and sustains the body, creates beautiful curves, and burns calories in the process, but without the result she wanted to see on her scale, she's quit.
Your body is made up of fat, skin, bone and muscle (plus water). When you exercise the goal is to increase the muscle and decrease the fat. A pound of muscle takes up much less space than a pound of fat, so regardless of what number you see on the bathroom scale, if you have been exercising, you are building a better, healthier frame.
Give your body a chance to display the results you seek. Rely on the evidence you see in how your clothes fit for instance. If you're losing inches, but the scale hasn't shown a change just wait. The scale will catch up soon enough. If you've gotten on the path to better health and weight loss, stay the course. Fast weight loss takes time.
~~ Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of the free e-book: Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of OneMoreBite-Weightloss.com
Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss.
Weight Loss Related Sites
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Fast Weight Loss Takes Time
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Cross Training - The Key To Fast Weight Loss
Cross Training - The Key To Fast Weight Loss
As human beings, we are creatures of habit. We tend to create routines that guarantee a series of small pleasures or comfort. Though routine can bring a sense of order to life in an increasingly chaotic world, it can be counterproductive when working out - following the same exercise regimen over and over not only gets boring, but can lead to exercise plateaus that can decrease your results.
Performing the same activity repeatedly at the same level makes the body more efficient, which eventually results in lower caloric expenditure from the activity. In fact, research shows that by sticking to just one activity, the number of calories burned by exercisers may decrease as much as 25 percent..
For instance, if you normally exercise for 45 minutes four days a week on a treadmill with the same intensity and time for each workout, over time you will not benefit as much as you did when you began. Your body will become accustomed to the routine, and it can become increasingly difficult for you to meet your fitness goals. The repetitiveness also can be boring - even with music, TV or a magazine for distraction, the exercise might become mundane, which also can decrease the likelihood you'll continue working out.
Fitness professionals agree the best solution to dodge exercise plateaus and workout boredom is cross training. Cross training simply means mixing together a variety of exercise activities into a varied regimen. Cross training works because of 'energy efficiency'. This means that your body becomes accustomed to a certain type of exercise after a period of time. If you mix it up, you are surprising your body, which responds by burning more calories in an effort to 'adjust' to the new exercise. For example, if you play tennis after a long time, you feel sore the next day, because it's something new for your body. As you play more often, it get's easier to adjust (time to try something new?)
Do you work out at a gym? Instead of 45 minutes on a treadmill each time, jump on a Lifecycle exercise bike for 30 minutes, then spend 15 minutes on a stairclimber. Swim one day and lift weights another. Health clubs with an extensive choice of group exercise classes make cross training a breeze; once a week try indoor cycling, step aerobics or kickboxing. Check out the newest classes emphasizing stretching and toning, such as Pilates or yoga.
Home exercisers also have options. Some treadmills can be raised for steep hill climbing one day, lowered for running flat the next. Or vary the intensity level - alternate going hard for five minutes and easy for five minutes. Premium equipment usually offers different exercise programs to help spice up your workout. Just try experimenting - even participating in a recreational volleyball or softball league can add to a well-rounded, varied workout regimen.
Clinical studies show most people plateau in their exercise programs somewhere between their sixth and eighth week. Exercisers should make sure they change their routines at least that often to maintain workout efficiency and prevent boredom. Ideally, having at least two different activities should be alternated daily or conducted within the same workout.
By taking the routine out of exercise, fitness fans can reap positive results and enjoyment from their workouts. The result - Feel better, look better - after all, variety is the spice of life.
Nitin Chhoda is a renowned personal trainer, columnist, radio and TV personality and trains clients in 12 countries online from http://www.phonefitnesstrainer.com/ Would you like a free $ 250 package? This includes Nitin’s bi-monthly fitness newsletter, free exercise routines for toning at home, sample diets, grocery shopping lists, online books and unlimited email support from Nitin – all FREE for a limited time, register today at http://www.toningforwomen.com/
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Fast WeightLoss Diet Secrets
We all know about fast weightloss diets and their promise of bringing some instant weightloss. However, before one actually opts for any of them, it is important that you always visit a doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. These fast diets are far from the ideal diet and it should be noted that more often than not, they are not balanced and the best way to lose any weight is with a careful well balanced diet.
Before actually opting for those fast diet plans, it is important that you know that weight gain or weight loss is determined by the “calorie equation”. If you burn as many calories as you take in each day, there's nothing left over for storage in fat cells and your weight remains constant. However, if your calorie-intake exceeds your calorie-expenditure, the extra calories are stored somewhere on your body and you gain weight.
The word “diet” generally conjures up the image of meals of lettuce and cottage cheese. However, by definition, “diet” refers to what a person eats or drinks during the course of a day. A diet that limits portions to a very small size or that excludes certain foods entirely to promote weight loss may not be effective over the long term. Rather, you are likely to miss certain foods and find it difficult to follow this type of diet for a long time. Instead, it is often helpful to gradually change the types and amounts of food you eat and maintain these changes for the rest of your life. The ideal diet is one that takes into account your likes and dislikes and includes a wide variety of foods with enough calories and nutrients for good health.
A few helpful hints to doing any of the fast weight loss diets which are so popular these days are given below.
Don't carry out a crash diet for more than three to seven days. Most of these diets are not meant to be kept for extended periods of time. They aren't balanced and not meant to be your permanent way of eating. For example, the Atkins diet says that you can keep it for extended periods of time, but the diet changes once you get passed the first two weeks, so if you want to do that extended version of the diet, look it up and get more details on it.
The week that you are going to keep the fast diet, try not to overexert yourself. Since you will be on a diet, exerting yourself too much might just become too stressful for your body’s system to handle.
Don't go out to dinner with friends and other social activities. This is probably the worst thing you can do because nothing is worst than eating something tiny when your friends are eating a perfectly normal and delicious meal. So, while it can be done, it's easier to just avoid these scenarios and stop yourself from feeling bad over your diet.
If you get very hungry, drink a glass of cold water, it will help to take away the hunger pangs. You could also try sucking on ice to calm hunger pains.
One last thing, once the fast diet ends, don't think it's party time and eat out the house. Once the diet is over, you want to celebrate, but it wouldn’t be right to celebrate it with food!! Start your well balanced diet once you are done with the fast weight loss diet. Do remember, however, that there really is no guarantee that the fast weight loss diet will actually help you shed those pounds! Exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet is the key to losing weight and keeping it off!
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
Fast Weight Loss Diet
A fast weight loss diet should not be considered a way to lose weight permanently. Over the long haul these types of diets are not very healthy and can lead to problems. A fast weight loss diet is what people want when they need to lose say 5 pounds in time for a special function such as a party. family reunion, class reunion. There are many other examples this only a few, but the ideas is that you have some type of event coming up and you want to maybe drop one dress size.
Some people have tried everything from liquid diets to starvation. These are not your best choice. If you are needing to drop a few pounds there are a couple diets you could use to achieve the desired effect. But, you will need atleast a week of time to achieve your goal. One more thing about the losing the weight, you should not attempt to lose water weight. Not only is this dangerous but you will need get desired results. When you lose water weight it is put back on in a matter of hours, so while you are at your function you will gain the weight. You could literally be 5-10 pounds heavier when you are leaving the function this will probably be noticed by others. That would be more embarrassing than having showed up a little heavier.
In order to lose the weight effectively you need to reduce the amount you are eating. You are probably eating about 2200-2500 calories per day. If you cut this to 800-1000 per day you will easily reach your goal in 6-7 days. This will be real weight loss and it will look natural to your family and friends. You want have to worry about blowing up half way through the night.
There is also a pill that can improve your results immensely. It will take the weight off fast and will make it easier than anything you may have tried before. Information about the pill...CONTINUE
Fast Weight Loss Diet
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Fast Weight Loss Doesn't Last
In general, when you try to lose weight fast with a crash diet, you will most likely lose a bit of weight. It's not uncommon to lose 10 pounds in a week or less. That weight loss is reflected on your scale, and in a looser fit to your clothes.
The problem though, is that the weight loss isn't good for you. And to make matters worse... it's usually not permanent.
Most fast weight loss diets or programs involve starving yourself. Sometimes you're instructed to eat nothing, and sometimes you're told to only eat one or two specific things like celery and carrots. Often you're told to drink water frequently too.
Some crash diets actually tell you not to eat anything though... and simply drink specific things. Some of these involve drinking specially made - and marketed - juice drinks. Others may give you recipes to make your own juices.
And I'll say this again: These crash diets do make you lose weight really fast. But they come at a price. The first problem you'll discover is you have very little - if any - energy. Sometimes you'll find yourself actually getting sick on crash diets like these. And the juice based crash diets - sometimes referred to as a "fast", "cleansing" or "detox" diet - will make you go to the bathroom a lot.
No, not to pee. You will actually find yourself with diarrhea... stomach cramps and all. In fact you'll probably just stake out the bathroom during your entire "detox" period... or at least until there's nothing left to eliminate.
Many women feel the fast weight loss results are more than worth a weekend of feeling sick. And if you have a super important event to go to soon, then yes, maybe it could be worth it. But realize the weight you lose won't usually stay gone.
Most of what you're doing with these crash diets is losing water weight, and cleaning out your bowels. Depending on how bad your normal eating habits are, you could actually have 10 or more pounds worth of weight just in your bowels alone.
Getting rid of this waste weight is a great first step, but it doesn't solve the actual problem. You have fat built up in various places of your body... and crash diets do not melt that fat away. If you choose to use one of these methods for losing weight really quickly, make it your first step in a longer term, more sensible weight loss plan.
If however, you lose weight with one of these fast weight loss diets and decide to congradulate yourself with a tub of ice cream, brownies and a cheesecake... be prepare to have all that weight greet you anew on the scale the next morning.
© 2006, Kathy Burns-Millyard. Are you ready to finally start losing actual fat from your body instead of water weight? Isn't it time for a long term weight and fat loss solution? Visit http://www.scaletippers.com/ and start losing fat today!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Diet Pill for Fast Weight Loss
Diet pills are more popular than ever, some of these pills are very effective for fast weight loss. Science at companies that specialize in natural weight loss supplements rival that of any pharmaceutical company. The larger companies spend millions on research each year.
All this effort is paying off, some all natural diet pills are excellent choices for weight loss. When making a choice about which diet product to use, you must beware of scams. The diet pill and weight loss program industry is reported to 30-50 billion dollars each year. Because of this there are some con artists out there.
There are two types of Diet pills over-the-counter and those sold by prescription only. Some examples of prescription diet pills are : Adipex, Meridia, Xenical,, Bontril and Phentermine. These prescription type diet pills are designed for patients who obese, meaning they have a BMI of over 35.
Most prescription diet pill companies are trying to invent chemicals that closely imitate the same functions and results that natural supplements offer. This has huge profit potential for the drug makers. Natural herbs cannot be patented. This is why the drug companies are not interested in developing them as products. In a lot of cases you can get equivalent or better results from the natural herb that they are trying to imitate.
Over the counter diet pills market is out pacing all other sectors of the weight loss market. Some OTC diet pills and weight loss supplements contain ingredients with powerful amphetamine-like properties. Although these diet pills do offer fast weight loss they can be dangerous. There is a safe and effective alternative to these.
Scientists believe a new supplement may be the greatest diet pill ever.
Hoodia Gordonii is a great addition to any diet plan. Hoodia is an appetite suppressant that some scientisits believe may be the most powerful weight loss supplement ever discovered The Hoodia Breakthrough. Hoodia has been eaten by the San Bushmen who live in the Kalihari desert for centuries. There are no known side effects to Hoodia. Participants in studies have shown an appetite reduction of 1,000 calories per day. Anyone who is serious about losing weight should look into Hoodia more
Technorati Profile
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Resolving Issues on Fast Weight Loss
Resolving Issues on Fast Weight Loss
In a world where almost everything moves in a fast-paced environment, people no longer pay attention to “slowly-but-surely” strategies. Everybody wants everything in express, fast, easy, hassle-free, and convenient manner. Even in losing weight, people who are suffering from obesity or those who are morbidly obese want fast weight loss solutions to their problem.
Experts say that fad or fast diets are not recommended because these cannot pave the way for permanent weight loss and control. But there are studies that show that fast weight loss has some short-term benefits like being a powerful motivator in losing weight for good. Some physicians also say that is it okay to have a fast weight loss if the person’s health wouldn’t be undermined or affected.
Fast weight loss can be effective if it’s only used for initial weight loss because this can lead to having balanced diet and doing regular exercise or physical activities. Fast weight loss can even motivate a person to follow a reasonable eating plan and sensible eating pattern so he/she would not regain the weight lost. Although some fast weight loss strategies are allowed, it still doesn’t change the fact that engaging into it without preparation is hazardous to health.
One of the reasons why people become obese is emotional eating. Some of the key factors that trigger emotional eating include anger, depression, and anxiety that lead to eating more food that a regular diet allows.
Experts say that if a person can manage emotional eating, the possibility of losing weight fast and safe is greater.
Here are some tips in combating emotional eating:
- It pays to determine your own mood especially before eating. Doing this will give you a mindset that eating is just a part of solving whatever that is bothering you.
- Analyze and monitor your emotions daily. Checking your emotional levels daily can help you trace the reasons why you indulge to emotional eating and can help you solve these emotions before taking any meal. This can also help you fight the urge to overeat when you get emotionally upset.
- Try to develop new hobbies that will take your mind off food and eating. By keeping yourself busy in other things, you can avoid eating large amount of food on a regular basis.
- Work out a meal plan that you can stick with everyday. By having a concrete reminder of the foods you should and should not eat for the day, you can develop a healthy eating plan that can help you lose weight fast and safe.
- Do regular physical activities such as walk or jogging regularly. Physical exertions can help your body burn unnecessary and unwanted calories.
- Exert more effort to form closer friendships and emotional bonds. Having a company that can give you moral support in your endeavor will help you fight emotional complexities.
- Discover and rediscover a better spiritual health. Analyzing your emotions through spiritual health can be enough motivation to keep up with your weight loss agenda.
- Stick to water therapy. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily can keep your body refreshed and well hydrated so you won’t easily get irritated or upset.
- Choose you treats. Comfort foods such as junk foods should be replaced with healthier alternatives such as fruits or low fat products.
- Learn to forgive yourself. When you blow your diet, forgive yourself. Feeling guilty and depressed will only make matters worst. Instead of dwelling on your self-will, try to be positive by telling yourself you can do better tomorrow.
Fast weight loss might be a good way to jumpstart a weight loss plan, but it’s significant to keep the long term weight loss goals. In reality, there’s really no such thing as a quick fix or fast when it comes to weight loss. You must bear in mind that if you want to be happy, healthy, and achieve your desired weight for good you better start changing you eating and lifestyle habits.
Dr Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to: http://www.sayyestolosingweight.com/, http://www.aperfectharmony.com, or http://www.a-1hypnosis.com
Resolving Issues on Fast Weight Loss
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Super Fast Weight Loss
As a personal trainer, my main goal is to help clients succeed. I find that individuals drop out when they don't see results, or if they have to work way too hard for perceptible change.
It is the quality of exercise, and not the quantity (duration) that brings results. Today, our lives are more hectic than ever. Making time for exercise can be difficult, if not impossible.
There is good news. A mere 15 to 20 minutes a day is enough for fitness gains, as long as you are regular. This means that you do not have to spend hours sweating for great results.
The following tips help you get the most value for your time and supercharge your weight loss efforts. These tips save time, but also require consistency. You will see results within a few weeks if you stick with these ideas.
1) Do exercises that use multiple muscles, called compound exercises.
Consult your gym instructor/ look online for a suitable program. For example, a squat uses the front and back of your legs as well as your butt. After each squat, add an overhead shoulder press using a light dumbbell and you will hit even more muscles. 'Isolated' exercises such as biceps curls and triceps extensions are less effective.
2) Focus on large muscle groups.
Working your biggest muscles burns tons of calories and will give your metabolism a good boost. These muscles are your butt, thighs, back and core that is, lower back, abdominal and oblique muscles.
3) Increase the intensity of the cardiovascular workout.
This increases the calorie burning effect and cuts the time. If you walk, then jog. If you run, then try the occasional sprint. An incline on a treadmill works well too. Instead of doing forty minutes of walking, jogging or low impact aerobics go on a bike or treadmill at a high intensity for twenty minutes. If you have been working out regularly for at least a month, you could try doing intervals.
4) Try periodic boosts in intensity.
Exercise at a level that to you is hard, or very hard for two minutes. Then, lower your effort - but keep moving! - For one minute. Repeat this cycle for twenty minutes.
5) Double up your exercises.
Rather than resting between sets, use that time to work a different muscle group. For example, alternate one set of biceps curls with one set of triceps dips. Alternatively, do a set of seated leg extensions with a set of leg curls. These are super-sets and they nearly double the number of exercises you can do in a short time.
6) Combine strength and aerobic workouts.
As a personal trainer, my main goal is to help clients succeed. I find that individuals drop out when they don't see results, or if they have to work way too hard for perceptible change.
It is the quality of exercise, and not the quantity (duration) that brings results. Today, our lives are more hectic than ever. Making time for exercise can be difficult, if not impossible.
There is good news. A mere 15 to 20 minutes a day is enough for fitness gains, as long as you are regular. This means that you do not have to spend hours sweating for great results.
These tips will help you get the most value for your time and supercharge your weight loss efforts. These tips save time, but also require consistency. You will see results within a few weeks if you stick with these ideas.
Nitin Chhoda is a renowned personal trainer, columnist, radio and TV personality and trains clients in 12 countries online from http://www.phonefitnesstrainer.com/ Would you like a free $ 250 package ? This includes Nitin’s bi-monthly fitness newsletter, free exercise routines for toning at home, sample diets, grocery shopping lists, online books and unlimited email support from Nitin – all FREE for a limited time, register today at http://www.toningforwomen.com/
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Fast Weight Loss Tip
Fast Weight loss Tip